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Press Release

Grant Thornton Cyprus sponsored the “Mental Health at Work” talk

Grant Thornton Cyprus sponsored the "Mental Health at Work" talk, a Life Changing Ideas series event organised by Globaltraining and the University of Nicosia. The event was held on 11 May, at the Open Amphitheatre of the University of Nicosia.

Dr Linda Papadopoulos, a world-renowned psychologist was the speaker of the hybrid talk. The pandemic, the lockdowns, the disruption of economic and social activity, the "great resignation" and the current return, have resulted in higher levels of stress, anxiety and uncertainty. During the talk, Dr Papadopoulos discussed the importance of adaptability and shared useful tips for good mental health.

Following Dr Papadopoulos presentation, the CEO of Grant Thornton Cyprus, Mr. Ioannou, participated in the Q&A session, where the speaker had the opportunity to answer questions from the audience. The discussion was moderated by Ms. Ftelleha, Head of Life Changing Ideas.

For more information contact our Marketing Manager, Jenny Hadjicosta 

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