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Press Release

Grant Thornton Cyprus and Get Fresh join forces for a good cause

Grant Thornton Cyprus and Get Fresh announce collaboration to provide healthy food to the children that participate in the social action music project, Sistema Cyprus.

More specifically, every Wednesday, free healthy afternoon snack and fruit will be provided to the 70+ children and young people, taking part in the Sistema Cyprus general rehearsal.

“We are very pleased to support the commendable work of Sistema Cyprus. A work of social character and vision that not only provides free music education through orchestras and choirs, but at the same time it brings together children regardless of their ethnicity, language, religion. Our initiative was embraced from the very first moment by Yiannis and Demetris, owners of Get Fresh. Extra attention was paid to the quality of the ingredients used in the preparation of the meals hence, the use of processed meat and sugar was excluded. We are very grateful to Sistema Cyprus for their amazing social work and to Get Fresh for supporting our initiative” said Stavros Ioannou, CEO, Grant Thornton Cyprus.

Learn more about Sistema Cyprus at

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