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IFRS News - Q1 2017

IFRS News is your quarterly update on all things relating to International Financial Reporting Standards. We’ll bring you up to speed on topical issues, provide comment and points of view and give you a summary of any significant developments.

We begin this first edition of 2017 by considering the European Securities and Markets Authority’s recent public statement on the implementation of IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’. The statement will be of interest to many companies inside and outside Europe as the Standard’s 1 January 2018 effective date draws closer.

We then move on to look at a number of amendments that the IASB has recently made to its Standards and some proposals which are in its pipeline. Further on in the newsletter, you will find IFRS related news at Grant Thornton and a general round-up of financial reporting developments.

We finish with a summary of the implementation dates of newer Standards that are not yet mandatory, and a list of IASB publications that are out for comment.